Kanangra to 100man Cave


Pack Walk


4 MH

This is a classic, mild walk for Kanangra. We will walk from the car park to Cloudmaker, down to Ti-Willa plateau and appropriately navigate to the Cave nearby. This is a very popular walk because the walk in/out is spectacular, the distance not long (~12km?), generally undulating and the cave is sooooo cozy and weatherproof. Most likely, because it is winter, we will be the only group there. The fire is a welcome addition to yarns and chit-chat on a cold winter night. NOTE: it is winter. Kanangra can be very cold. Much colder than UBMountains. You will need warm clothes. If in doubt what clothes to take, contact me. You will also need some scrub gloves/clothes. The last time I went there was in 2022 and the usually great trail was becoming overgrown. I expect, because Covid is over, people are walking the trail again. It takes a bit over half a day to get to the Cave. Ti-Willa may be overgrown (the trails there are not so popular) and you may need protection from the occasional tight vegetation. Please register by Tuesday 2 Jul 19:00hrs. This will give me time to organise the planning and logistics Just because it is winter is not an excuse to have a heavy pack. Mine I expect to be ~11kg. With some shrewd packing yours can be light as well to enjoy the walk rather than endure the walk. Water is available nearby. Given it is a superb cave, there is no need for a tent. I will carry a large lightweight tarpaulin in case there is a problem along the way. Maximum size of the group is 5.




Joint Walk With:
Sydney Bushwalkers