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Advance Notice Activities

Sun - 18-May-2025
5 - Day Walk
Two Ravines North of Fort Ridge
Find out why this part of the Gardens of Stone must be better protected for the future generations. Park at around GR 224 317 on Glen Davis Road. Ascend to the top of Fort Ridge, then follow it north and descend into a ravine at GR 219 330. Explore the ravine upstream and climb out to Torbane Balcony at around GR 221 332. Walk to a promontory point at GR 219 331, then return to the balcony and continue south to about GR 222 330. Find a way down under the cliffs and explore the ravine to the south, finishing on Fort Ridge. On the way back, visit The Fort, if time permits. About 6 km. Scrambling and exposure. Partly exploratory.
Map: Glen Alice

Wed - 07-May-2025
5 - Pack Walk
Between Lost Chord Crater and Lee Castle
Park at Benjang Gap, walk up Lee Creek till Lost Chord Gully, GR 327 904, about 5 km, and establish a base camp. A series of (3) one-day walks to explore ridges, ravines and pagodas in this part of Bylong Labyrinth. The plan for each walk is to be advised, and our progress will depend on the terrain. Exploratory. Scrambling and exposure. About 10 km every day.
Map: Not Specified

Sun - 13-Apr-2025
5 - Day Walk
Edmund Gully, Joseph Creek and Carne Creek Traverse
Find out why this part of the Gardens of Stone must be better protected for the future generations. Park some cars at around GR 427 121 on Glowworm Tunnel Road and drive the others to GR 425 094 on FT3. From here, walk to the lookouts at the end of the trail. Next, descend into Edmund Gully and find a way down into Carne Creek. Turn north under the cliff line and walk to the junction with Joseph Creek and then up that tributary to a short canyon-like exit 400 m upstream. Climb out on a spur at GR 422 102 and walk south to a lookout at the end. Now, turn back north and traverse above Carne Creek for as long as our time and interest allow, probably till around GR 417 117. Walk back to the parked cars and complete the shuffle. Partly exploratory. Scrambling and exposure. About 8 km.
Map: Cullen Bullen

Sat - 05-Apr-2025
4 - Day Walk
Nobles Creek and surrounding area
Park cars on Glowworm Tunnel Road. Walk along Nobles Creek and then explore surrounding area and lookouts along cliff. Explore hidden valley and wonderful pagodas plus outstanding views over Wolgan Valley and then return to cars
Map: Cullen Bullen

Sat - 29-Mar-2025
4 - Creek
Wollangambe One
Entering river at GR 543 915, swim/float/walk and scramble down this gorge, with a side foray into Water Dragon Canyon. Must be able to swim well. Lilo flotation devices recommended. Bring dry bags. Wetsuits and helmets are mandatory. About 9 km.
Map: Wollangambe

Sat - 22-Mar-2025
5 - Creek
Wollangambe Four
Park near the locked gate at Boronia Point Trail. Walk down to Wollangambe Three exit at GR 584 925. Swim/float/walk/scramble down the gorge till the exit at GR 597 925. Must be able to swim well. Helmets and wetsuits are mandatory. Bring dry bags. Flotation devices are strongly recommended. About 10 km.
Map: Wollangambe

Fri - 21-Mar-2025
5 - Pack Walk
Yodellers Range South Adventures
Co-leader Kevin Songberg. One two-day overnight walk and one one-day walk from a base camp exploring the southern part of the Yodellers Range. The plan for each walk is to be advised, and our progress will depend on the terrain and availability of water. Exploratory. Scrambling and exposure. About 6 km every day.
Map: Not Specified

Sat - 15-Mar-2025
5 - Creek
Wollangambe Three
Swim/float/walk and scramble down this scenic gorge till the exit at GR 583 925. Must be able to swim well. Lilo flotation devices recommended. Bring dry bags. Wetsuits and helmets are mandatory. About 11km.
Map: Wollangambe

Mon - 10-Mar-2025
4 - Day Walk
Glenbrook, Jack Evans Track, No Name Ridge, Erskine Creek
The walk starts at the car park at the top of Jack Evans Track, but we will meet at Glenbrook Park entrance and drive to start. We head down the JE track to just short of Erskine Creek then turn south up to No Name Ridge. On reaching the summit we head ESE along the ridge. This offers a magnificent view of Erskine Creek on both sides of the ridge, and of the cliffs on Word Cave Hill to the north. The ridge is reasonably straightforward, but there is a little exposure. At a couple of points, we take a detour to avoid an impasse before returning to the ridge. One such detour will involve the use of a tape. We arrive at Horseshoe Pool, possibly the best swimming pool in the Blue Mountains. Hopefully, it will be warm enough for a swim. We then head back down Erskine Creek, west then north, before re-joining JE Track via a 200 m off-track short cut. Alternatively, if energy and enthusiasm levels are high, we can continue along Erskine Creek to the junction with the Nepean and Word Cave and ascend the ridge to the Nepean Lookout. Est. time 5-6 hrs, 7 km, and 400 m ascent.
Map: Penrith

Sun - 09-Mar-2025
5 - Day Walk
Two Spurs and Two Ravines South of Waratah Ridge
Find out why this part of the Gardens of Stone must be better protected for the future generations. Park vehicles on a side road off Waratah Ridge Road at GR 455 010. Follow an old trail south till GR 468 009. Descend southwards on a pagoda-studded spur towards Bungleboori Creek, joining it at GR 471 995. Walk a short distance west and then up a canyon-like tributary to GR 469 999. Exit to the west and descend a pagoda spur to Bungleboori at GR 469 994. Move a short distance upstream and enter a canyon-like tributary coming from the west. Exit at GR 467 995, climb back to the trail and walk to the vehicles. Partly exploratory. Scrambling and exposure. About 10 km.
Map: Wollangambe

Sat - 08-Mar-2025
4 - Creek
Twister, Rocky Creek Canyon
Twister and Rocky Creek Canyons have jumps, down-climbs, slides, scrambles and swims, but no abseils. So, this activity is classified as a creek walk not a canyoning trip, and the grade is a walk grade not a canyon grade. Two fun canyons to do in a day. Total walk in and out of around 4km. Helmets and wetsuits are mandatory.
Map: Rock Hill

Mon - 03-Mar-2025
3 - Day Walk
Murphys Glen, Woodford
Murphys Glen has some of the tallest Turpentine Trees in the Blue Mountains. Walk the Turpentine Walking Track to Murphys Glen Picnic Area, then down to Bedford Creek and return back to cars. History side trip included.
Map: Jamison

12 Activities