About the Upper Blue Mountains Bushwalking Club

Here are the boring bits about the Club.

The Upper Blue Mountains Bushwalking Club was formed in 1986 and has been operating continuously for 39 years.

It is an incorporated, non-profit association registered with the Department of Fair Trading.

The Club carries public liability and personal accident insurance for all members through an umbrella policy held by Bushwalking NSW.

The Club's Committee is:

President Sonya Muhlsimmer 0409 667 468
Vice President Vacant
Secretary Ruth East 0427 863 976
Treasurer David Hodgekiss
Committee Rob Herbert 0422 202 300
Committee Onni Elliott 0401 561 211
Committee Simon Wild

Club Roles:

Public Officer Peter Surgeon
Walks Secretary Rob Herbert 0422 202 300
Walks Recorder Onni Elliott 0401 561 211
Canyoning Committee Canyoning Committee
Webmaster Peter Medbury 0408 635 759